If you've been feeling a bit anxious and disconnected from "normal" life, adding some routines back into your days - and getting rid of bad habits that no longer serve you - can help you avoid that regret "I just spent another day on the couch binging on Netflix all day " feeling. Here are a few of our favourite habits and rituals. No need to use them all - just think of them as a starting point your daily qua-routine.
- MAKE THE BED. This is a small win but a great way to build momentum for your daily tasks. Good habits are built on compounding small accomplishments.
- COLD SHOWER. Just jump right in. You wake up groggy, and unsure on how to go about your day. Kick start your body and mind with just a short cold shower. It comes with a whole list of benefits.
- EVALUATE YOUR DAY. Forget the never ending to do list. If you can focus on 5 important tasks for the day, and knock them off, you will feel a lot better about yourself. (that can even include simple things such as actually putting on some clothes, spending quiet time to read, or quality time with the family.
- GET SOME SUNLIGHT. It boosts Vitamin D, which activates genes that regulate the immune system and release serotonin and dopamine. We know it's difficult, particularly with restrictions in the city so if you can't get outside, open the curtains - exposure to natural light helps regulate mood and sleep cycles.
- MOVE. Get your body moving. All that sitting around at home will stiffen up your body and joints. Take a stroll around the block, try out a morning yoga flow, or get in a full home workout (there are tons of free options online right now. Joe Wicks daily workouts are top of our list). Not only is it beneficial for your body, it's also great for creativity, metabolism, cognition, and a mental pick-me-up.
- UNPLUG. We are constantly bombarded with technology, information overload and spending too much time on IG or TikTok. This is adding very little value to your day, and even adds to our anxiety. Help your brain switch off by implementing a specific routine into the end of your day. Maybe you write down the next day's to-do list, or call a friend, whatever allows your mind to relax at the end of the day to set you up for a good nights sleep.
- KEEP WEEKENDS. Right now, every day is just blending together, right? If possible, try to avoid working on weekends and make a few weekend traditions. Friday drinks over zoom with friends, catch up with loved ones on Saturday, and leave your all day Netflix binges on the couch to Sundays, anything that helps weekends feel like weekends.
Stay safe.